Italy Might be the First European Country to Offer Paid Menstrual Leave | Urban Girl Mag
Cramps, bloating, fatigue, unexpected leakage... Your period is never a joyous 7 days each month. Much of it involves levels of discomfort. Enduring these levels of discomfort while at work might become a thing of the past for the young women in Italy. The lower office of Italy's parliament is considering a proposal for law. This law would allow women employees to take 3 days off each month of paid leave during their menstrual cycle. This bill would prevent women from utilizing their sick time, and allow them to use paid menstrual leave during that time of the month. Countries such as China, Japan and South Korea currently have similar laws in place. Some believe this new law will encourage discrimination and companies will hire more men than women in order to prevent absenteeism. This bill was brought to the forefront by 4 female MPs from the center-left Democratic Party.
menstrual, period, Italy paid period leave, paid time off, sick time, paid menstrual leave
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Italy Might be the First European Country to Offer Paid Menstrual Leave

Cramps, bloating, fatigue, unexpected leakage… Your period is never a joyous 7 days each month. Much of it involves levels of discomfort. Enduring these levels of discomfort while at work might become a thing of the past for the young women in Italy.

The lower office of Italy’s parliament is considering a proposal for law. This law would allow women employees to take 3 days off each month of paid leave during their menstrual cycle.

This bill would prevent women from utilizing their sick time, and allow them to use paid menstrual leave during that time of the month. Countries such as China, Japan and South Korea currently have similar laws in place.

Some believe this new law will encourage discrimination and companies will hire more men than women in order to prevent absenteeism. This bill was brought to the forefront by 4 female MPs from the center-left Democratic Party.

Would you use your paid menstrual leave if this law existed in the U.S.

Read more HERE



des hadley

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