With another Nor’easter expected tomorrow for the tri-state area I’ve decided to list 8 things you can do tomorrow during this official state of emergency. These activities are listed in no particular order.
Binge watch that Netflix special you never have time to watch
No that kind of Read! But crack open a good book. You’ll actually have time to possibly get through the entire thing in one day.
Finally get a head start on wash day mid week since schools and most government offices will be closed and your job (if you’re one of the lucky ones)
Flesh out your goals for 2018 in detail. With most of us looking forward to an entire day at home, this will be the perfect time to be more detailed in what you wish to accomplish in 2k18.
Do laundry… What better time than on a Wednesdays to wash those clothes you didn’t get to on Sunday.
Get a DIY project done. Scroll through the lovely world of pinterest I’m sure you’ll find a few diy’s worth you free time.
Workout! Yup I said the cringe worthy word no one wants to hear or partake in on ‘their unexpected day off’. Do a few at home workouts for at least an hour.
Bump your ‘cheat day‘ up to Wednesday instead of Friday. That way you won’t feel bad when you partake in enjoying unhealthy snacks all day. You’ll be close to the fridge anyway.
If theaters are open, the power is still on and if you’re brave enough, you can catch a matinee of Black panther. Welcome to Wakanda!
(At the City Plex in Newark, NJ all movies are 6$ all day long)
Take time to have a self love moment! Give yourself a facial, manicure, yoga, meditation, a bubble bath with a glass of wine. Anything… just take a moment for yourself.
Don’t sit for hours scrolling Instagram, twitter, Facebook, & YouTube! I mean it!
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