If you don’t know Loren Lorosa is someone you need to know. She’s a budding tv personality who gave us the scoop on how she manifested her dreams into reality. If you watch TMZ then you’re probably some what familiar with who she is. She is one of the newest cast members on the celebrity gossip show. But that spot didn’t land in her lap over night. It took a big leap of faith from living life in Delaware then moving to NYC then a big move to the west coast.
When you let your boss know you ran into #rkelly I️ don’t wanna believe that he runs a sex cult 😂🤦🏾♀️😂 #Tmz #tmzontv #host #celebrity #celebrityhost #celebritynews #tvhost #personality #tvpersonality #FOX #LorenLorosa .. tune in Monday – Friday 7:30pm EST. ✨ UNIT BY: @wigometry CUSTOM COLOR BY: @jackieo88
Loren is a 25 year old young woman full of black girl magic from Delaware, she got her spark of interest to work in the media business after attending a taping of the historical Apollo show in Harlem as a child.“I watched my little cousin perform at the Apollo one time and I just fell in love with the person who hosted the show. I said I don’t know what that job is but I want to do it…”
Loren originally had the desire to model since her mom was a fashion designer the idea of modeling came naturally. But after being turned down from numerous modeling gigs she knew she needed to rethink her plan.” I was always being told either my boobs were too big or that my personality was too big… “
During her senior year in college Loren had an epiphany after seeing photos from a fashion shoot featuring a collaborative shoot between entertainer Rihanna and super model Naomi Campbell.
“Rihanna did a photo shoot with Naomi Campbell while I was still in college. I just remember thinking ‘this is so dope, Rihanna’s a singer but she’s modeling she was doing all of this stuff. It clicked like I decided that I’m not going to focus on being a model I’m just going to get lit I’m just going to become a celebrity… lord knows how but then all of the brands would let me model for them. I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do but at school I was always hosting all of the events, hosting homecoming, all the fashion shows…”
Loren tapped into the one resource we all have endless access to… the internet.“I realized there was like this whole world of people in New York who were just lit based off of the internet and because of that they were linking up with celebrities and doing different stuff. I was like that’s it I’m going to do this whole digital thing and I’m just going to become like a personality and become someone that people have to know. I will then use that to model and to be everywhere and do everything. So when I graduated college I deleted everything on my instagram and started my youtube channel over and dedicated myself to trying to build myself as a personality…”
So let’s rewind a bit Loren moved to New York after graduating from Delaware State University. She took a job the Barclays Financial (the financial company that invested in the Barclay’s Center) & was chosen as the first correspondent for the Angela I Am online series. Shortly after the show began production they paused due to Angela committing to taping the reality show Growing Up Hip Hop starring her and Romeo Miller. Loren decided to branch out and start her own media channel entitled ‘2LTv’ shortly after ‘Angela I Am’ entertainment channel stopped producing content for their show.
..[During my time at Angela I Am ]”All of the events we were going to was very grassroots so I was pitching them (Angela I Am) into everything, setting up all of the interviews and I was like if I can do this for them then I can do this for myself, so I just did it”. “I did my own thing for my show for about a year and then I moved here (to LA)”.
After producing her own media content for about a year Loren packed up her belongings and moved out west to Los Angeles, California. For someone in their early 2o’s this can be seen as a huge leap of faith but for Loren it was simply the next step needed in order to continue success in the media industry. This was what she needed to do if she would ever see herself hosting on television one day.
Loren originally transferred her job working for the Barclays financial company from NYC to Las Vegas, she saw it as an opportunity to be closer to her goal of pursuing a life in Los Angeles. While living in Vegas she applied for a position at a PR firm in Los Angeles since she still wanted to do a full time media job. After calling out sick from her Vegas job to attend an interview in LA she walked right into her new position. “I called out sick to drive to LA for the interview and when I walked in she just hired me she said “I heard such good things about you, … so then I started and I moved to LA from there.”.. I went on to ask Loren if she ever feels like her transparency she offers through her vlog and social media could ever work against her in the long run and she said no. “…When you think about people like Cardi B people love her…I feel like when people are attached to you and your journey they want to see you win…”
After working at the PR firm Loren became a flight attendant for Delta Airlines for a few months. She still had the desire to accomplish her original goal of becoming a television host so she took another leap of faith which landed her on TMZ. “Honestly when I was flying I was like ‘this job is amazing but I know I’m not giving it the full effort and I’m not enjoying it because I’m focused on what I’m missing out on in LA… So i told myself if I leave Delta Airlines I’m only leaving for on camera positions… So somebody posted in the Facebook group ‘Casting LA’ that TMZ was looking for celebrity tour guides. I didn’t know that they would actually the tour guides on the show if they liked you I just knew it was TMZ abd that it was a possibility for a tour guide to be on the show. I knew if I became a TMZ tour guide I would work my way onto the show eventually… The day I was moving out of my apartment in LA to move to base in Minneapolis for Delta Airline… I’m literally moving stuff out to my car and my landlord is there doing my final walk through and TMZ emails me like ‘Can you hop on a call in an hour?'” Loren proceeded to ask her land lord if he can give her a few hours to take the phone call with TMZ. That call turned into a skype interview which then transitioned into an in person interview, after requesting time off from Delta and asking her land lord to allow her to stay in her apartment for a few extra days she took the interview with TMZ. “I went in and I didn’t really know what was going to happen after the interview because they didn’t tell me much. After I went home they emailed me and said they were really interested and kept asking me if i was sure about quitting my job… but I told them I know Delta is an amazing job but I’ve got plans I’ve things I want to do…” Loren said with a laugh. “TMZ emailed me back and asked ‘Are you available to start training?”
.. .
Loren told us that she gives all of her success’s credit to the power of manifesting and writing out your goals.
.. “…On the plane on the way back I wrote out 3-6 months goals, 12 month goals and financial goals… When I got back to LA things just started manifesting…when you talk about it and put it out there people can’t deny it… I just moved into my apartment and I’m looking forward to printing out my goals and putting them on my wall, just so I can see it… Everything I’ve ever done I had to sit down, write about it and talk about it first…”
..Showtime 🎬 #Liveevent #Liveeventhost #Tmz #Tmzontv #Tmzcelebritytour #Tmztour #Host #Hostlife
To learn more about Loren Lorosa check out her Youtube channel at @Loren Lorosa or follow her on instagram @lorenlorosa
Ernest Foster
25.09.2019 at 04:31I really enjoyed your story and I always wonder who is that “ Pretty” Black “Girl”! I know you are not a girl, I can tell you are a Nice Young Lady. Keep up the Good Work…
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