Bite Gate: The Suspect has Been Revealed!
New information according to TMZ reveals that Sanaa Lathan was in fact the actress who reportedly bit Beyonce. After much speculation the Beyhive zeroed in on Sanaa Lathan after Chrissy Teigen tweeted out she knew who the biter was. TMZ confirmed today by TMZ. Tiffany Haddish’s sources have confirmed this shocking news. “We know who the biter is in the Beyoncè mystery … we’re told it’s none other than Sanaa Lathan,” TMZ claims. “One source said it was not an aggressive bite … it was playful and noninvasive, but still caught Beyonce off guard.”
As a response Sanaa Lathan tweeted “Y’all are funny. Under no circumstances did I bite Beyonce and if I did it would’ve been a love bite”.
This is what lead Haddish to feel the need to defend Beyonce. Read below for the initial story.
Famed comedian Tiffany Haddish does an entire exclusive interview with GQ magazine and the only thing everyone has appeared to of taken away from it was her almost fighting at a party for Beyonce.
We’ve already heard the story of how Tiffany revealed to us her encounter with Beyonce. She was at the 4:44 wrap party and Bey & Jay were both there of course. The initial story told a few months ago revealed she was ready to fight a particular actress because of her flirtatious actions with Jay-Z. Tiffany noticed the actress’s actions and told Beyonce she had her back and wanted to beat her up for the disrespect. Beyonce pleaded her not to and Tiffany said “ok but only if you take a selfie with me”, Beyonce obliged and took the photo. This incident is what lead Beyonce to ‘diss’ Haddish in the new DJ Kahled song “Top off “ where she says “If they’re tryna party with the queen
They gon’ have to sign a non-disclosure, ayy” Beyonce made this slight ‘diss‘ because ever since the incident happened Tiffany has been telling every media outlet about it, without even thinking about how Bey might feel about her airing out their not so glamorous encounter.
In Haddish’s most recent interview with GQ magazine she revealed that the reason she was so pissed was also because the alleged actress bit Beyonce on the face “There was this actress there,” continues Haddish, keeping her voice low, “that’s just, like, doing the mostest.” One of the most things she did? “She bit Beyoncé in the face.” …After telling to Bey she was ready to fight the girl for her Beyonce told Haddish to chill out “‘Tiffany, no. Don’t do that. That bitch is on drugs. She not even drunk. The bitch is on drugs. She not like that all the time. Just chill.’ (GQ.Com)
It seems Haddish has no plans on stopping the circulation of this story. I thought the dis track would help but not at all.
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