Women Who Game Give a New Perspective on Esports | Urban Girl Mag
New York, NY- The Nor'easter wasn't the only thing happening on Wednesday. UGM  attended the Women Who Game panel discussion event at the Verizon Fios connected home. The panel was moderated by Persia (@persia_xo), and featured panelist professional gamer Carolyn (@lynnienoquez), Emmalee(@emuleet), Lyric (@Lyricofwisdom), game developer Caitlin Burns (@Caitlin) and the COO of her own gaming team @Flipsid3tactics Dana.
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Women Who Game Give a New Perspective on Esports

New York, NY- The Nor’easter wasn’t the only thing happening on Wednesday. We didn’t let that stop us from learning more about how women are impacting the esports industry. UGM  attended the Women Who Game panel discussion event at the Verizon Fios connected home. The panel was moderated by Persia (@persia_xo), and featured panelist Carolyn (@lynnienoquez) who’s a professional gamer, Emmalee(@emuleet) who’s the leader of her all female team Dignitas, professional gamer Lyric (@Lyricofwisdom), game developer Caitlin Burns (@Caitlin) and the COO of her own gaming team Dana @Flipsid3tactics.



All of the ladies gave an inside look to the often dismissed feminine side of gaming. Many of them told stories of how they were introduced to gaming most of them by their older brothers leaving their video games on and walking away from them. From there many of them have been in love with gaming ever since.
“I hopped on and I was just so curious on what it was and I fell in love with it…”, said Carolyn professional gamer for the team Dignitas.




Emmalee is the team leader for the all female team under Team Dignitas.  Her team is the first to be owned by a professional athletic team as they’re owned by the Philadelphia 76rs and the NJ Devils. Team leader Emmalee is a nurse by day but a professional gamer by night. You may be wondering how she does it she said “It’s all about finding a boss who understands your passion for gaming… If your current boss doesn’t understand you’ll find one who does”. She said her current boss at her nursing job is clueless of the details of gaming but is totally into it at the same time. Her best advice to women in the gaming industry is “to never give up and to have thick skin in this industry..”



Within the esports industry women only makeup of 25% of the workforce and 15% of the actual viewers and players. These women are changing these statistics one day at a time. They each attested to now seeing more and more women in the audiences at gaming tournaments. Emmalee agreed she thinks gaming will definitely be mainstream within the next 10-20 years, since its already making that transition currently.



To see the live broadcast of the panel click here





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