Sweet Sounds: The ABCs of Black Women in Music is an alphabet book for young readers that are at the beginning stages of their music education. Sweet Sounds highlights 26 amazing Black musicians, vocalists, and performers that happen to be women whose impact can still be felt in today’s music across genres.
Flisadam Pointer (she/her) is an entertainment journalist, arts advocate, and educator has teamed up with budding illustrator Ameerah Singh to bring her passion for music, fierce advocacy for women of color with her educator’s background to pen what is sure to be a staple in younger reader’s book collection. To commemorate Black History Month, Pointer is releasing Sweet Sounds: The ABCs of Black Women in Music a 26-page book highlighting just a few of the Black women such as Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday, and Chaka Khan whose impact can still be felt in today’s music across genres.
“Growing up I was fortunate enough to have an amazing father with a passion for the arts. On any given day my father’s speakers would fill the house with the sounds of some of the greats across genres. Country. Rock. R&B. Soul. Blues. Gospel. Hip-Hop. You name it!”
For a large part of her professional career, she worked for non-profit arts organizations with strong local ties including the historic Newark Symphony. “Arts education programs are grossly underfunded across the country. Those in charge of distributing funds on the local, state, and federal levels have made it clear through their actions that arts education is not important. I wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment. The arts whether visual, film, dance, and music help to shape our lives in so many ways.”
For the larger music programs that do exist Pointer found that “the curriculum often lacks diversity”. The goal of Sweet Sounds: The ABCs of Black Women in Music is to shine a light on Black entertainers more specifically Black women that have made a major impact on the music industry many readers may know others may not be as well known.
“Sweet Sounds was to created as an affordable and accessible educational resource for parents, guardians, and educators alike could use as a starting point to introduce the young children in their life to the richness of music,” Pointer continued, “Sweet Sounds is focused on musicians my goal is to leave no discipline of the entertainment industry unturned. Music is just the start as it has played such a pivotal role in my upbringing.”
When asked about her work on the book illustrator Ameerah Singh replied, “it is my goal as an artist to depict people of color in their full spectrum of capabilities and beauty as a means to inspire and empower people of all ages. This book presented an opportunity to help fulfill that mission by highlighting many amazing black women with a wide array of musical talents.”
As she continued to expand on her vision for the book Singh stated, “I want the reader to have an appreciation of the great contributions these women had and continue to have in music today. This book is a great introduction for our young readers to not only learn the alphabet but also attach a historical musical figure is pretty awesome.”
“This can be a stepping stone for further education into the obstacles faced by women of color in terms of sexism and racism on their paths to achieving greatness. I want the reader to gain an appreciation of the diverse beauty of the women of the African Diaspora,” exclaimed Singh.
For a limited time, Pointer Publishing will be offering a bundle package. Supporters will receive a copy of Sweet Sounds: The ABCs of Black Women in Music, a copy of the Sweet Sounds limited edition activity book, and a special sticker sheet for just $25. To place your order, please visit www.pointerpublishing.com. While supplies last.
For Black History Month, Flisadam Pointer is available for virtual storytime readings. To secure a date and time, please email flisadam@pointerpublishing.com.
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