Aaron Hernandez 27, committed suicide this morning around 3 am in his cell where he was serving a life sentence for a 2012 murder. Hernandez was the NFL Patriot’s tight end but was serving time in prison for allegedly shooting and killing 2, Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu in a drive by shooting in 2012 in Boston, MA. He was found not guilty of that killing but Hernandez was found guilty of killing an acquaintance of his named Odin Lloyd.
Prosecutors said Hernandez felt disrespected after one of the men accidentally spilled his drink at a nightclub
Hernandez reportedly hung himself using the bed sheets in his cell and according to prison officials there was no suicide note left behind or signs of him being suicidal.
Hernandez had a fiance named Shayanna Jenkins Hernandez, and the couple had a 4 year old daughter.
According to the Daily Mail Hernandez’s family wants to donate his brain to the team leading research into how football injuries affect behavior.
But the Boston Medical Examiner’s office is holding on to the brain, despite releasing the rest of the convicted murderer’s body to his family following an autopsy.
Hernandez’s family thinks he was murdered and did not commit suicide.
There are conflicting reports that Hernandez left 3 notes; one addressed to his fiance, daughter and to his mother. Other reports say that the letters were addressed to his fiance, daughter, and gay lover.
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