My name is Kashinda, but you can call me Kay and I am found. I am creative, fast paced and opinionated. I am unapologetic. I have been blessed with motherhood and the sight of a newborn baby sleeping comfortably brings a sense of joy to my heart and to put a smile on the face of the elderly brings tears to my eyes.
I am life. I have not always been aware of these things about myself. It wasn’t until trauma interrupted my process of happiness, that placed me in a space of confinement. Sounds like being convicted of a crime, rite? Well I am not criminal and I am not being punished, my life has been filled with lessons. Our lives as people are filled with lessons. It is expected that we learn from them and if we don’t get it right the first time around sometimes it comes around again and again, allowing us an opportunity to improve, to be improved. Are we all aware of this process? No, maybe not, but that’s what the power of sharing can bring about. I wrote a book about a story of truth. It is a mother’s perspective of how understanding her truth and coming to an acceptance led to moving forward.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not suggestive to airing all your dirty laundry but I have gained a perspective. A goal of mine is to develop thread of life lessons. This is based on experience, knowledge through research and life lessons learned, I am here to share. You are welcomed to share your most valuable life’s lessons too.
The first lesson pertains to choices. It is important to understand that you were created with the gift of choice. Contrary to how society has configured us into believing we have no choice in certain situations, practically our lives. Again, because I can only base my opinion from my perspective, I feel as if I was conditioned to lead a certain level of life. Substandard is what I’d call it. However, I now believe I have choices that can help direct me through life. I choose to share a part of myself with those who may need someone in their corner. Someone who understands what it’s like to be uncertain about which route to take to get the result desired in life. Someone who found themselves having to start from scratch time and time again. Someone to listen. Someone who can provide positive feedback but who also knows how beneficial negative feedback can be as well.
I have learned so much when it comes to choices it’s almost crazy. Let me be clear, I am not a trained mental professional. I am also aware of the fact that I can never be perfect and I do NOT know everything, just know that we all have the power of choice. Some of us may forget or just aren’t aware. And I still make tons of mistakes. It is a tough process but the result has been well worth it. I am free spirited, light hearted and purposed. Key was self-awareness!
Naturally, we learn right from wrong, up from down, hot from cold, which allows us to determine good from bad. Judgement? We are all capable of judging; we do it all the time, sometimes intentional. I am learning how to manage my choice of judgement, very important. It is not my place to judge anyone or anything unless I am placed into a situation that requires me to make a judgement call. I am learning to not always offer an opinion but to ask if it is needed or wanted.
So, my first life lesson I’d like to share is how I am learning that the choices I make is what leads my life. The will of God.
Sure, there will always be good and bad experiences to overcome. Believe me, I am no stranger to straight up heartbreaking, horrible to hear, impossible to accept situations. My life has been a true roller coaster. Lifetime movie type shit! How bout you?
Which brings me to my last point, looking in the mirror can be a frightening experience, especially if you start to notice things you don’t like. When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t like me. Looking in the mirror provoked questions, such as, Who was I? Why was I here? What can I do to help others? I was searching for a meaning to my life. I didn’t think I had anything to offer those in need of help. I wasn’t aware of the help that I needed. An array of help. All I knew for certain is that I have always wanted to help. I had a hard time figuring out just how to do so. I finally think I’m on to something and so here I am.
Next post will be another life lesson on my list. If you’d like to comment, feel free. Share it. Someone may need to be a part of this thread.
Care to share the biggest life lesson you’ve learned thus far?
Thanks for visiting!
Till next time, smiles and blessings to you.
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