Interview with Kiami Davael aka Lavender from Matilda!
We all remember the cute little girl displaying early signs of Black Girl Magic from the classic childhood movie, Matilda!
Her name was Lavender in the film, and her voice was distinct and her glasses were over sized and round and those chunky braids were laid, chile… she was the cutest little girl on the big screen.
Her real name is actually Kiami Davael and lately her photos have been going viral on social media.
There’s been post after post of ‘mistaken identity’. Selfies of beautiful women who resemble Kiami’s features, her brown skin, sandy brown curly hair, are being made into memes with the captions “She turned out alright”. People are obviously curious of the where abouts of the childhood star. We all fell in love with her character in the 1996 movie, Matilda and wanted to see more of her.
We had a chance to catch up with the cute childhood star turned beautiful millennial woman Kiami.
Kiami told us she took a hiatus to earn her bachelor’s degree and to work on different projects.
“I did a lot of different projects and things until after I graduated high school. I decided to take some time off and go to college, I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology.” I also minored in theater as well, so I was definitely still working in the field. I was producing plays and writing and things like that. After i graduated I went on to start producing short films and other projects, and doing things in production and behind the scenes.”
I couldn’t resist but to ask Kiami how she felt about all of the mistaken identity memes on social media. She said “I honestly am truly, truly humbled by it all. And a lot of the times I feel like people will curious and they do want to know where Lavender is…” She went on to say “I can definitely appreciate someone being curious in my career and what I am doing…and I want them to be informed in the truth and where they can find me”
This Halloween I remember seeing so many little girls and grown women dressed up as Lavender on instagram, I asked Kiami what she thought about the popularity of her character in a movie that premiered in theaters 20 years ago; her response is below.
“I thought that was awesome, I absolutely loved it, and they went all out!” I told people when ever you come across them to please tag me in them so I can see them and repost them. I was blown away!” I was born in Kentucky and lived in Kentucky for the first 7 years of my life. And this girl from a country town in Kentucky is now able to have people dress up as her for Halloween. …I want for all of my women, all my little girls, and especially my little black girls you can be who what ever it is that you want to be. I am proof that you can be what ever it is you want to be as long as you remain humble and focused, keeping God first, doing what is right, never giving up, you can do what ever it is you want to do with your life…”
In the spirit of Christmas we were curious of what her favorite gift was for the holiday. Kiami said her favorite gift she’s ever received for Christmas was a violin from her mom.
“My mom one year bought me for Christmas a violin… My mom bought one for me and that was one of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever received.”
Although it’s been years since we’ve seen her on the big screen the wait is over! Kiami will be premiering a new docu-series next year, releasing music and a non-profit organization.
Listen to the full audio interview down below!
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