Beatrice Dixon recorded a Black History Month video advertisement for her feminine hygiene company, The Honey Pot. After the intended inspirational ad was released, The Honey Pot received a harsh backlash for saying in her ad the below message:
“The reason why it’s so important for Honey Pot to do well, is so the next black girl that comes up with a great idea, she could have a better opportunity. That means a lot to me.”
Negative responders flooded the comments section of her facebook ad as well as a post that was made on TrustPilot which is a customer review website. People called her advertisement racist and some had combined intentions on ‘taking her company down’ by flooding it with negative 1 star reviews.
To the negative nancy’s surprise The Honey Pot’s sales sky rocketed. The negative reviews brought attention and free marketing to her brand which helped to drive her sales upwards. According to Beatrice she’s now up some 40% – 50% higher than what they would’ve been on an average day.
On the TrustPilot website there are reviews calling the product ‘cheap’ and ‘trash’, there’s even one commenter saying “the product is made in China with the Corona Virus…” ouch.
One commenter said Dixon had a poor choice of words. ” Wish it was inclusive for all children but thanks to your poor choice of words I’ll be spending my money elsewhere. Target this is not okay, Brands should be picking everyone up not just one race ! If your not looking to be all inclusive what’s the point of your brand ?”
But for every negative comment there are plenty of positive ones combating it.
“Excellent products!!!! 5 STARS but the way this bogus forum is set up you can only see the Racist reviews first…I am a White Woman and I am utterly disgusted by White people on this thread. You’re Insecurity and inferiority are so transparent it’s ugly. You’ve always had the whole damn pie and start shaking in your raggedy boots when Black entrepreneurs own a successful business. You need to pipe down!”
There was another review “Love the product, the entrepreneur, the representation!”
I think the real issue here is that The Honey Pot’s white consumers were not privy to the fact that the owner was a proud black woman. They can’t help their racist feelings towards her because a product that they love, and one that is so unique and well packaged was created by a black woman who wishes to inspire other black women and girls. This is why the hate of The Honey Pot spread like wild fire. And their claims of racism spread so quickly because they can not stomach the fact that this product was created by a black woman who wants to use her influence to inspire other black women.
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