One of the worlds most acclaimed authors died Wednesday morning at the age of 69. Let’s take a look back on some books written by the Author, Professor and Feminist, Bell Hooks.
All About Love: New Visions (1999) – This book discusses aspects of love in the modern world.
Ain’t I a Woman? Black Woman and Feminist (1981) – in this book Bell Hooks examines the effect of racism and sexism on Black women, the civil rights movement, and feminist movements from suffrage to the 1970s.
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Cover (1984) – This book was accepted and praised by feminist thinkers that wanted a change in perspective.
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love (2004) – This book examines the patriarchal influence on men and their ability to show and receive love.
Teaching to Transgress (1994) – Bell Hooks shares her philosophy of the classroom, offering ideas about teaching that fundamentally rethink democratic participation. She writes about a new kind of education, education as the practice of freedom.
Feminism is For Everybody (2000) – Bello Hooks discusses how the practice of feminism isn’t meant to divide us but to bring us together.
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