Newark, NJ – During the onset of the rise of BLM protests last Saturday, the city of Newark based in northern NJ reigned supreme with their example of what a peaceful protest looks like. The city’s protest in support of seeking justice for the family of George Floyd received national attention but not for rioting ot looting.
Multiple protests across the country took place last Saturday and have been taking place since as a way to incite national outrage over the death of a black man posing no threat to his community. The protest in Newark were further supporting the BLM narrative and was lead by their, Mayor Ras J. Baraka.
Mayor Baraka is the son of the late poet, author, and Newark native, Amiri Baraka. Mayor Baraka’s father wa sone of the many protesters present at the ’67’ riots and was a victim of police brutality durng the riots. All eyes were on Newark so to speak during their protests. The city experienced a great amount of destruction and ‘white flight’ so to speak during the historical 1967 riots. Newark is still recovering from the devastation of that event which ocurred more than 50 years ago. This was Newark’s great chance to some what, rewrite history by proving to the naysayers and to the world that we can demonstrate a protest absent from violence. That is exactly what the city did. Look below for more photos and video captured from Newark’s #BLM protest.
Featured photo by @hiiiiiiierin on IG
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