A teacher’s job is never done, not if the teacher is passionate about what they are doing. Lesson plans have to be prepared well in advance. Work has to be graded. Parent conferences have to be scheduled. Supplies for the classroom have to be ordered. A good teacher knows that sometimes you have to go above and beyond for your students.
The Teacher Appreciation Award goes to the teachers that make up activities that actually engage the students instead of just hurtling facts for them to spew out in order to pass standardized tests. To the teachers that care enough to find out about their students’ home lives. To the teachers that quietly pass children bags of food to help tide them over through the weekend. To the teachers that give slack when they know a child is going through a tough time. To the teachers that offer extra support when a child is struggling in class. To the teachers who are there to offer an ear and good advice. Those are the teachers this day is made to celebrate. Thank you!
We as teachers know the education system as a whole needs work. No one is going to spray the poop in the room and call it roses. The classrooms almost never have enough supplies, and the standardized tests can use some improving or doing away with altogether. There are some teachers that succumb to the system and stop trying to make a difference. The bad eggs stink up the dozen. Stop those teachers that belittle their students. Stop the teachers that treat students like a statistic, that make the classroom a stopgap to the holding cell. Stop to the teachers trying to make students fit into a box. Your students are individuals and deserve to be treated with respect. Nurture their spirits and help them dream big instead of expecting the worst.
If there is a good teacher in your life (your kids’ teachers, your friends, your family), let them know how much they are valued. Our kids need them now more than ever. Show your gratitude with a simple note, gift card, catered breakfast, volunteer work in the classroom, or help spruce up the teacher’s lounge.
To the teachers that are failing, not only are you failing yourself and your students, you are failing the education system as a whole. Advice to give to those teachers; try to connect with your students and get to know them on an individual level, love and accept them because we live in a world with too little of both. Instead of telling students “how they should act” or getting mad at them for “acting out”, focus on their inner greatness and their strengths will shine through the storm. I am lucky enough to be a teacher to a great group of kids (don’t get me wrong, they do make me want to jump out a window some days). Every year the children challenge me to be a better me; to be more understanding, compassionate, and flex my skills to fit their unique learning styles. I wouldn’t trade the laughs, the hugs, and the lessons learned for anything in the world.
Teachers on this day and every day, you are appreciated! Toasts to you! Do something good for yourself to celebrate!
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