Happy Intl Yoga Day! Here’s a List of 5 Benefits | Urban Girl Mag
Today is International Yoga Day, as we've all bared witness to this strength building exercise become an extreme trend among not only millennials but the world!
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Happy Intl Yoga Day! Here’s a List of 5 Benefits

Today is International Yoga Day, as we’ve all bared witness to this strength building exercise become an extreme trend among not only millennials but the world!




We’ve compiled a list of 5 health benefits of practicing yoga regularly.





1.Increased muscle strength and tone


2. Increased flexibility


3. Improved respiration, energy and vitality


4. Maintenance of metabolism


5. Improved cardio and circulatory health




Don’t feel intimidated by yoga of you’re not in the most slender shape. There is a movement of plus sized women practicing yoga and Jessamyn Stanley is one of the pioneers to go viral after posting a photo of herself practicing yoga on instagram. Yoga is an exercise for every body type and is one of the most beneficial exercises a person can do.


Look below for more photos of Jessamyn doing her thing with yoga!





“How was your book tour, Jessamyn?” Well, it wasn’t just one thing and there’s no way for me to actually describe it. I wrote about a few things that stuck out on my tumblr- link is in the header above. Here are a few selections: 2. In Athens, GA, I taught a yoga class at @centercityballet and seeing the ballet students before my class reminded me of when I was the fattest kid in my dance class and our costumes almost always involved midriff baring and I was so self-conscious of my chubby belly that I would pull my hip huggin spandex pants up to my belly button and I had a perpetual spandex camel toe. 5. During my tour stop in Boulder, CO, I stayed at this insanely cool Denver hotel called @theartahotel. I was busy as shit so I barely got to spend any time there, but it was a very cool hotel and y’all should stay there if you’re in Denver. 6. In Chicago, I did back to back presentations at a high school in the ‘burbs. Literally every kid in those presentations reminded me of high school Jessamyn. Many of y’all seemed afraid to ask questions during the Q&A which made perfect sense because adults do the same goddamn thing. Most human beings are afraid of each other and nowhere is that made more vivid than the American high school system. 9. Darien, CT. has one of the bougiest and most beautiful libraries I’ve ever seen. Where I was reminded that library science is actually social justice and librarians are out in these streets for real. I have more to say but it’ll come out when it’s time. Every city had POC who verbalized a feeling of complete isolation. I see you. As a POC who operates in a very white world, I have to admit- our shared sense of isolation reads like a victory flag. It’s a sign that assimilation isn’t working and we are resisting. I am happy to be in the struggle with you. The rest is on my tumblr, link above- see you tomorrow at @rva_library MAIN BRANCH at 2pm, Richmond 💋💋 👙 by @bynadiaaboulhosn

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Y’all, @workmanpub, @jadeyogamats, & I have teamed up for a preorder sweepstakes celebrating my new book, “Every Body Yoga: Let Go Of Fear, Get On The Mat, Love Your Body”! The story of my personal yoga practice is much more complex than what could possibly be shown in a few instagram photos. In “Every Body Yoga”, I’m finally able to give a full and clear answer to everyone who asks ‘Hey Jessamyn, How Do I Start Practicing Yoga?’ Click the link in my profile to check out the book + a chance to win: 1 . Coffee or a meal date with me, @mynameisjessamyn/@jessamynstanley 2. A signed copy of #EveryBodyYoga 3. A 68″ mat and large cork block from @Jadeyogamats Throwback to that time @yogicphotos convinced me to practice my #handstand game in the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge while wearing @k.deer leggings. SPEAKING OF WHICH, thanks to everyone who entered the @k.deer gift card giveaway! I went through and read all of your answers to the question “what pose kicks your ass?” and I was inspired to the brink of tears by how many of you are able to be completely fucking honest with yourselves about the reality of your personal practices. I could ramble forever on this topic but in short- thank you for being vulnerable with me. If you’ve ever feared beginning a yoga practice, do yourself a favor and scroll down a few entries to the giveaway post- there is some genuine human development going on in y’all’s practices, and you can take comfort in knowing that everyone (yes, everyone) is challenged by asana practice. Anyway, YOU GET A CARD: $50 gift cards- Marie-Hélène Dugal (Facebook) & @soulfulshania (instagram) $500 gift card- @retroengineer Congrats, y’all- if you’re a winner, shoot an email at mynameisjessamyn@gmail.com to collect your prize! Leggings- @k.deer Photo by @yogicphotos

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